
Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

10 Most Popular Lucky Numbers in Malaysia

Whilst keputusan 4d jackpot continues to climb, it seems like every players is rushing to purchase their ticket. By Wednesday, the jackpot had already increased $1.5 billion, meaning that a winning player would walk away with $930 million after taxes. The jackpot, which is the largest on record, has many players already dreaming about the future. Many players are wishing luck is on their side, while others are hoping to increase the advantages in their favor by taking a look at the past winning players.

According to magnum 4d past result numbers, there are several numbers that are drawn more often than the rest.
In the history of the lottery, here are the most common main numbers:
  • 26 (266 draws)
  • 41 (255 draws)
  • 16 (255 draws)
  • 22 (254 draws)
  • 42 (253 draws)

As for the lotteries, the most popular numbers are as follows:
  • 20 (75 draws)
  • 6 (74 draws)
  • 29 (72 draws)
  • 2 (69 draws)
  • 18 (68 draws).

Either way, it will be very hard to strike it rich. The chance of winning the jackpot is 1 in 292 million.
The most common lucky numbers for the keputusan4d
A Malaysian author recently put out a book on lucky numbers and whilst I didn’t read it — books, am I right? — I did read the results of a research he put out. I’m not sure how much he’d appreciate that, so here’s a plug: His book is called Alex Through the Looking Glass in the Malaysia. and The Grapes of Math in the Malaysia since Love Puns. Alex ran a 30,000-players worldwide survey to compile a list of the luckiest latest 4d prediction in the world. The full results are on an Excel spreadsheet here.
I pulled out the top and loosely reasoned out why they’re common. These are the most common lucky numbers in the world.
11 – As one of the world’s foremost supporters of the number 11, I’m proud it reached so well. But as THE world’s foremost helper of the concept that top 10s are for cowards, 11 making the top 10 has given me into a recursive loop of pride and shame.
2 – 2 is kind of an odd option for a lucky number, even though apparently it’s good luck in China. Since this was a worldwide research, it’s entirely possible that’s how 2 made it so high on the list — no one pounds a ballot box like the Chinese. (I mean, um, not in their own choice but in online polls they’re ravenous.) Number 2 achieving this high is like the “Yao Ming in the All-Star Game although he’s averaging 4 and 2” of the lucky numbers list.
6 – Apparently there’s a cologne named Lucky Number 6 by Liz Claiborne. That’s the only evidence I’ve found linking the concepts of “lucky number” and “6”… and with all because respect to Liz Claiborne, I’m not sure her cologne’s Q-score was what drove this number up the lottery. And since I’m also not ready to attribute its popularity to the bright shining star of Jenna von Oy, I think it was Chinese culture again — 6 is another of their lucky digits, tied to fortune.

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